
Showing posts from March, 2020

Imperial Assault: Trandoshan Hunters

Imperial Assault: Trandoshan Hunters Working my way through the Imperial Assault core box and I got to the Trandoshans so I figured I'd do the Bossk figure along with the others. Loosely based on Sorastro's video  here is how they turned out: Bossk Collar - Vallejo Model Flat Red Vest - Vallejo White Primer Trim - Vallejo Model Dark Grey Straps - Vallejo Model French Mirage Blue Belt - Vallejo Model English Uniform Suit - Vallejo Model Middlestone Gun - Vallejo Model French Mirage Blue with English Unifrom stock Eyes - Vallejo Model Scarlet Skin - Vallejo Model Refractive Green         - Vallejo Model Lime Green         - Vallejo Model Middlestone Buckles - Vallejo Game Silver Claws - Vallejo Model English Uniform            - Dark Sand Teeth - Dark Sand dry brushed gun with Vallejo Game Silver shaded suit with Nuln Oil / Agrax Earthshade then highlighted with Middlestone shaded f...

Imperial Assault: Probe Droid

I wanted a bit of variety on the probe droids and also wanted to experiment a bit.  I painted these all a dark grey and then dry brushed them with different metallic paints.  The grey rimmed one is silver, the red rimmed droid is copper, and the black rimmed one is gold.  Not canon but I kinda like how they turned out.  Also played around a bit with a lens effect with limited success.

Imperial Assault: E-Web Engineer

I did these guys at the same time as the Stormtroopers since they share a lot of the same colors.   Drybrushed gunmetal blue on the guns.  I did the same zenithal pre-shading experiments with these.  The red rimmed base is a grey/white pre-shading while the black rimmed base is full black/grey/white.  Varnished with Vallejo gloss varnish.

Imperal Assault: Stormtroopers

Here are the Stormtroopers from Imperial Assault's core set.  I loosely followed Sorastro's guide but I did the shading a bit different.  I primed the troops with the grey base solid white, the troops with the red base I did a zenithal pre-shading with grey and then white, and the troops with black base I did a full zenithal in black, grey, and white layers.  I used Army Painter Light Tone on these and applied it very lightly to just get some panel lining shaded.   I didn't sand off enough of the rough edges on these and that wasn't obvious until after I'd primed them.  These were varnished with Vallejo's gloss varnish.