Imperial Assault: Royal Guards

I spray painted these guys with Vallejo Model Scarlet

To see how different they are, I washed two with Army Painter's Red Tone and two with Citadels Carroburg Crimson.  The Citadel wash when on much thicker and darker.

I painted the staff dark grey and metallic silver and colored the visor slot black.  At some point I may revisit these and try to do a lens effect on the visor

Varnished them with Vallejo gloss varnish.  I masked off the heads, staffs, and bases with silly putty before varnishing again with Vallejo matte varnish.

Three out of the four came out really well.  I may have overmasked the staffs on some so the right shoulders are a bit gloss when they should be matte.  One ended up with some of the matte varnish peeling a bit.  Not sure what I did to cause that... maybe I applied too much?  You can see the peeling on the one on the left in this picture.


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